Pro Pilot 99

Pro Pilot 99 599294 Wersja 1.3.

Pro Pilot 99



1) Exaggerated over-banking tendency with banks greater than 30 degrees have been reduced.

2) Bonanza fuel selector, right fuel selection no longer drains fuel from both tanks.

3) Fuel consumption of all a/c have been improved for accuracy.

4) Excess ballooning effect when applying flaps (especially first notch of an a/c), has been adjusted in all a/c. 5) Attitude indicator's miniature airplane is no longer 1-degree pitch up when straight-and-level with a/c using an EADI, (B200 and 525CJ).

6) Trim wheel jitters with A/P ALT HOLD engaged has been smoothed out.

7) Trim adjustment for joystick; due to excess input with repeat, the smallest trim adjustment using joystick control was 2-3 times as great as using the keyboard and has been corrected.

8) Trim command effect can now be defined in the [Aircraft] section FLIGHT.INI for each a/c by assigning the ini variable names: "172Trim=", "V35=", "B58=", "B200=", and "525CJ=". Values can range from 1 to 32. The best way to create this entry is to run the program, then open the ini and enter the values (you will not see the field until you run the flight.exe once).

9) Excess tachometer values for the V35 and the B58, with throttle at idle has been corrected.

10) Speed brakes on Citation jet have been reduced in effect (about 50%).

11) Takeoff acceleration for all a/c is more appropriately modeled.

12) Rolling friction for all a/c is more appropriately modeled.

13) P-factor/slipstream effects are effective (with auto-coordination off).

14) Prop RPM on B200 is no longer entirely dependent on prop lever position.

15) N1 and N2 gauges now reflect spool-up and spool-down on the B200 and 525CJ.

16) Landing bounce has been dampened.

17) Excessive pitch up tendency when reaching airspeed at which elevator begins to lose effectiveness has been eliminated.

18) Wind milling effects engine rpm and is reflected on tachometer, with engine either on or off on prop a/c.

19) A feathered prop on either the B58 or B200 will now reduce drag, thus helping to eliminate the "yaw" of a "dead" engine, or the drag of two "dead" engines.

20) Vmca and Vyse are modeled more accurately on the B58 and B200.

21) Lift and drag characteristics in a/c have been improved in steep banks over 60 degrees.

22) Mixture control now effects fuel consumption, whereas previously it only effected engine performance.

23) Use of the EGT has been corrected to properly reflect lean and rich fuel conditions, and has corrected previous airspeed loss when used properly.

24) Further accuracy regarding fuel flow and its relationship with altitude for all aircraft, resulting in a more accurate determination of airspeed, and range for cruise settings.


25) Low altitude VOR's range over 18,000 ft is now domed to 19,500 if a/c is within 40 nm; whereas a terminal VOR's range is now domed to 13,500 if a/c is within 25 nm.

26) European waypoints are now displayed on GPS.


27) Propeller visual for the King Air B200: right propeller now rotates clockwise, not incorrectly in a counter-rotating fashion.

28) Spinning propeller after shutdown in the V35 and left-engine on the B58, if the prop advance for the appropriate engine was not positioned at full pitch, now stops.

29) Baron, and King Air prop animations can now be feathered with prop lever.

30) Nose-down camera rotation effect accompanied with braking with a high throttle setting now only occurs with the forward cockpit view active.


31) Stall warning is no longer a pulsing intermittent sound, toggling off and on incorrectly, but is now a constant sound, given that the stall warning is active.

32) Changing prop pitch on the King Air now has a discernable effect on sound.

33) Bonanza warning horn sounds if the throttle is retarded below 12 in Hg manifold pressure with landing gear retracted.

34) Baron warning horn sounds if the landing gear are retracted and either or both throttles are retarded below 20 in hg. This warning is disabled if airspeed is above 119 knots. With flaps full the warning horn will sound regardless of airspeed and throttle position if the landing gear are not down.

35) King Air warning horn sounds with flaps in Up or APR and N1 below 80% or flaps full and landing gear are up

36) Citation master warning occurs if gear are down or flaps extended and airspeed is over 186 knots; or if gear are up and airspeed is under 110 knots; or if flaps are fully extended and airspeed is greater than 161 knots; or if flaps are partially extended and airspeed is greater than 200 knots; or if flaps are on GND in flight, or on the ground and N1 is greater than 85%.

37) Artificial autopilot disengage warning sound has been removed, thus eliminating the five-second delay for the autopilot to disengage.


38) Missed timer events during scenery rendering has been corrected so that neither machine speed or scenery complexity causes a variance in distance traveled or fuel consumption, as well as smoothing out the flight models in general.

39)As a side note to the above timer correction: If the aircraft appear to fly in a slight stutter or pulsing manner, likely to occur on very slow machines, an INI variable named CatchUpFrames can be added to the [Aircraft] section of Flight.ini to correct this occurrence. The default value is 12, and should be lowered in order to reduce the stuttering. The minimum value allowed is 3. A side effect of changing this variable is that distance traveled and fuel consumption will be somewhat lower than expected.


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